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home - Pancreas - Pancreatic Masses and Cysts - Pancreatic Cancer Epidemiology Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki

Pancreatic Cancer Epidemiology

Aetiologies: Men more than 40. Urban location . Diabetes mellitus (not clear whether cause or effect- tumour can produce islet amyloid polypeptide (a hormone that reduces insulin sensitivity)). Tobacco - High fat diet. Chronic pancreatitis. Chinese. History of partial gastrectomy or cholecystectomy - due to Inc CCK levels?. H.pylori- possible particularly CagA strains. Presentations:Epigastric pain - 75%.Diabetes mellitus- 20% Peutz-Jegher Familial atypical multiple mole melanoma (FAMMM) HNPCC FAP BRCA2 Li-fraumeni Ataxia-telangiectasiaHereditary pancreatitis (PRSS1) EpidemiologyThere is a 3% 5 year survival.There is a 20% 5 year survival if curative. NB: Coffee and alcohol- no convincing increased risk per se DMH.pylori (Cag A) H.pylori (Cag A) DM Genes5-10% of all pancreatic adenoca have first degree relatives with disease. Complications: -Abacterial endocarditis. -Hypercalcaemia .-Cushings syndrome.-Thrombophlebitis migrans.-Mechanical duodenal obstruction.-DM (due to the secretion of amyloid polypeptide which causes insulin resistance).-Decreased gastric emptying.-Acute pancreatitis.-Trousseau's/Courvoisier's. Pancreatic Cancer Aetiology and Presentation The risk increases with the amount of cigarettes consumed , and in heavy smokers with homozygous deletions of the gene for the carcinogen metabolizing enzyme glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1)- decreases to baseline 15 years after stopping smoking 1.Paraneoplastic Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki 2. Other

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