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home - Pancreas - Pancreatic Cancers - VIPoma Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki

Knows the presentation investigation and staging of pancreatic

Recognises the importance of considering and being able to identify
uncommon pancreatic tumours (such as neuroendocrine or
intrapapillary mucinous tuours)

Knows the range of potential therapies and recognises the factors
that make such tumours potentially operable or inoperable

Knows the prevalence and natural history of benign cysts/serous
cystadenoma and potentially malignant cystic lesions

Knows the options for palliative treatment
Shows ability to sequence investigations appropriately
Understands value of multi-disciplinary team
Recognises the importance of considering possibility that the tumour
is unusual

Communicates effectively within the multi-disciplinary team and with
the patient and their family


>3cm diameter Luminal epithelium Inc cAMP productionNet fluid secretion into lumen VIPoma Diagnosis[Serum VIP] > 75 pg/mL (measured by radioimmu-noassay.) ; repeat if elevated. CT/ Octreotide scan/ EUS can help locate the lesion. VIP SYndrome (pancreatic cholera syndrome, Verner-Morrison syndrome)=watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, and hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria (WDHA) syndrome20% get facial flushing VIP secreted Lesion characteristicsLesions are solitaryThey are usually >3cm .They are usually in the tail.They usually have metastasized by dx.They can occur outside the pancreas. Prognosis The 5 year survival is 88%. Incidence of 1/10,000,000 Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki

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