Nausea and Vomiting:
Understands the pathophysiology of vomiting.
Appreciates the gastrointestinal conditions that cause nausea and
vomiting as well as the range of extra-intestinal causes
Recognises the influence of neurological conditions and metabolic
derangements such as diabetes
Understands the physiology of gastric emptying and how this is
affected by disease, toxins and drugs
Abdominal Pain:
Knows the causes of acute and chronic abdominal pain that arise
from upper gastrointestinal, biliary and pancreatic diseases
Understands the clinical presentations of the various conditions
causing pain and the means by which they can be diagnosed and
Weight Loss:
Knows the significance of weight loss as a consequence of upper
gastrointestinal disease, knows those conditions that present with
loss of weight and how they are managed
Makes a detailed clinical assessment of patients presenting with
symptoms indicating possible upper gastrointestinal disease,
construct a management plan and be aware of the various avenues
of treatment
Evaluates patients in a structured and timely manner, carries out
appropriate investigations and formulates management plan.
Radiation Oesophagitis
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