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home - Nutrition - Vitamins - Vitamin E Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki

Vitamin E

Deficiency results inHaemolysisNeuromuscular disordersAtaxiaPeripheral neuropathy.Causes of deficiencyAny cause of fat malabsorption (pancreatic deficiency/ cholestasis)Rare genetic defects affecting vitamin E metab-lism or transport.Treatment: 200IU/ dExcess:Acute toxicity- not describedChronic toxicity- >400 IU/d associated with increased risk of hemorrhage and all-cause mortal-ity. Protein E Micelles E Pancreatic enzymes Bile acids Absorption into enterocyte in distal small bowel Packaged into chylomicrons Sources:Oils.Meat.Eggs.Leafy vegetables. Within hepatocytes, chylomicron remnants are broken down by lysosomes, and RRR-alpha-tocopherol is preferentially secreted into the bloodstream, packaged within VLDL molecules. The transport protein for alpha-tocopherol is named alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (A-TTP). Chylomicrons Vitamin E Broken Down Multiple remnants including apolipoproteins B and E, which contain retinol esters. Antioxidant May slow Alzheimer progression, tardive dyskinesia, and macular degeneration. May have a role in NASH treatment Vitamin E Mechanism of absorption Vitamin E compound types: 8 types (only 4 forms of Alphatocopherol are in humans- RRR-(the only forms in food, RSR-, RRS, and RSS- alpha-tocopherol- these last 3 are synthetic) Deficiency/ Excess/ Actions vitamin E Action: Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki

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