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home - Nutrition - Minerals - Chromium Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki


Chromium Cr2+ Cr4+ ZincIronFibreAntacidsMagnesium, Calcium Aluminum saltsNSAIDGastric acid. + 95% excreted in faeces Albumin or transferrin Chromium Vitamin C Source:Grains.Cereals.Fruits.Vegetables.Processed meats. Toxicity Industrial exposure to Cr (V and VI) can result in toxicity manifested as contact dermatitis, skin ulcers, and bronchogenic cancers (steel work-ers).Tannery workers handling wet hides may develop Cr toxicity with elevated serum and urinary Cr levels. DeficiencyAn association has been suggested between low Cr levels and impaired glucose tolerance and unfavorable lipid profiles.Deficiency can cause increased glucose requirements in diabetics esp on paren-teral nutrition. Mechanism of absorption At risk: Short bowel syndromeBurnsTraumatic injuriesThose on parenteral nutrition without appropriate trace mineral supplementation. The adequate intake of Cr for adults is 20 to 35 mcg per day Written by Dr Sebastian Zeki

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